
Showing posts from May, 2021

Spring -- Wild Flowers & Wild Tom Turkeys!

  Wild Geranium At Base of Dead Tree      Now near the end of spring, I've been remiss in writing about the dead awakening into new life. The last six days I've been hunting the Wild Turkey on a friend's woodlands. I spent over twenty springs hunting wild turkeys in the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri. Way before that Missouri hunt started, back when there were only isolated populations of wild turkeys remaining in America I recall vividly my first sighting of a wild gobbler. Lord of the Woods Strutting His Stuff!       Just a boy of thirteen on the edge of Brown County State Park in southern Indiana. Deer season, gun in hand I'd climbed a steep ridge in the dark to await the dawn. I'd hardly slept the night before as visions of huge bucks, twelve point racks or more leapt passed me as I raised the gun. The dawn had come slowly illuminating the large oak trees around me. A large fox squirrel climbed up to a low limb then stretched out. With fat lolling over e