
Showing posts from May, 2022

Memorial Day with Love and Anger!

On Memorial Day we take time to remember those who served and fought for We The People. Our service men and women who stand for us against tyranny. World War II veterans now a dwindling number fought against the Axis powers of Germany, Italy and Japan. The Civil War was fought to end slavery and maintain the country as the United States of America. Take a moment to consider those brave service men and women who willingly fought in those and other conflicts for us. They fought for a representative government. A form of Democracy that attempts to honor the citizens by respecting the Constitution and individual rights. Unfortunately we're now engaged in a different type of conflict. Nineteen grade school children slaughtered and two teachers in Uvalde,Texas bear witness with their bloody mutilated bodies to that ongoing violence. Ten black shoppers murdered just two days before that in Buffalo New York give testimony and witness with their blood. The list is long of those now sacrific