
Showing posts from June, 2022

Nineteen Dead in Uvalde, Texas -- A Lament!

   A  school picture of  Maite Rodriguez at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas. An honor roll student who dreamed of becoming a Marine Biologist. A picture that probably graced the refrigerator of her mother and grand parents.        As the shock passes after these mass shootings the urgency to get common sense gun reform done tends to wane. Pressure needs to be kept on politicians to get anything done. Those owned by the gun lobby frequently stall and delay while pretending to care about the children of this country. Each of us does what they can. The following lament  is what I can do to keep this life and death issue alive in hopes that meaningful gun reform gets done. I have posted the recording on YouTube.      Eighteen other students and two teachers also died. The names and pictures of those beautiful children and teachers are available on line.  Each one had a family that loved them and that they loved. These tragedies will continue unless we get meaningful gun reform done in thi