
Showing posts from September, 2022

Hummingbird Mom Raises Two!

      Joy can surprise us with its simplicity. On July 7, I discovered that a female hummingbird had made her nest on a branch only a short distance from our three story deck. Only about three inches long how could I get a picture of such a petite neighbor? I mounted binoculars on a tripod with rubber bands then held my iPhone up to the lens and took a picture. To my surprise and delight it worked. To make getting photos and video easier I then order a frame that attached to the binoculars to hold the iPhone in place. I was off and running as an amateur wildlife photographer.     Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds are the only hummingbirds found in Wisconsin. Our tiny hummers live off sugar rich flower nectar and insects. Hummers as pollinators serve as they hum along moving from plant to plant sticking curved beak and tongue into flowers. The mother hummer after picking a mate by watching him show off his ruby throat and flying skills builds a nest from plant down like dandelion's fluffy