
Showing posts from February, 2023

Fishing For God

  Fishing for God                   An  outer space Fisherman seeks a connection with God. He sits in his little boat contemplating the fishing pole and line. He leans forward, his gaze fixed narrowly on the boober. Sending Out A Call          Failing to get even a nibble he changes his approach. After putting away his rod and reel he writes a message, a prayer, a Call if you will on a piece of paper.  His vision widens as he looks out into deep space. Making a paper airplane he's ready to send his Call out into the Universe.  In Response -- an Expansive Vision               As he relaxes in serenity on a crescent moon he catches a vision. A response to his Call.  The vision of an unimaginably grand Universe filled with planets and plenty of space. A Safe, Gentle, Landing               Safely held by this grand vision he gently returns to Earth with a broader perspective on his life and that mysterious creative power some call God.          My friends we're all that Fisherman,

Living The Still Life

                      We all start out in the dark. Tiny sea creatures floating in  amniotic fluid inside the warm cave of our mother's womb. Vibrating in time with the rhythm of her beating heart we grow. Nourished through the umbilical cord cells divide, multiply, specialize to become us. A potential human being that contractions force out the vaginal canal to cry with eyes shut tight when first exposed to the bright light of our birth day.            No wonder we feel awe upon seeing a new born. For our journey also began after sperm met egg, followed by nine months gestation, during which we sprouted head, arms, legs, then fingers, and toes; all body organs needed for two legged upright being.  And the ability to smile. Love the picture below.                Now as mature adults we can reflect on our life's journey. Wonder at being at all. To reflect, think, consider the trials, tribulations, joys and sorrows on being embodied.  To reflect requires a mysterious potentiality