
Showing posts from July, 2023

Drought, Prairie Plants & Spiritual Roots!

Purple Prairie Clover           Near the end of June with little to no rain. Weather people on the T.V. call this a mild drought. Mild? Meaning corn ankle high, maybe by the 4th of July? Maybe? I go for a walk with Julie a friend over to the conservancy. We park on Big Bluestem Parkway cross a patch of blue grass now turned brown. The only color  in the mown area by wild Morning Glories and yellow Birds-foot Trefoil .  Morning Glories Dry Grass & Birds-foot Trefoil         Blue grass exists with very shallow roots.  We cross the brown blue grass and paved walking path to a narrow earth path that enters the prairie. Here a different story. Cup Plants and Grasses rise from the earth head high in a mosaic of green; a rich diversity of plants with deep roots, resistant to drought and fire. Here a different ecosystem in dramatic ways.  The blue grass appears dead or nearly so due to a lack of water. The prairie plants thick and thriving due to deep roots. Some in bloom. Trail into the P