

           Welcome to the Poet's Room, I'm Anthony Hendricks your host.  This painting titled "Passage" is my sister Judith's creation. The visual arts frequently stimulate a mixture of emotion and meaning that reach deep places in our psyche beyond logic and reason. They can touch the very core of our being. The place where mythology resides. The beginning of the story; how we rose from crude chemistry and matter into conscious life.           As human beings our consciousness demands that we express ourselves. We seek meaning and a means to express what we discover. The visual arts, music, song, dance, poetry and story telling go beyond simple entertainment and always have. The cave artists in Europe were not interested in just pretty pictures. Their paintings and pictographs expressed a developing consciousness of the world they knew and thought about 35,000 years ago.           Thirty-five thousand years seems to us who are short lived a long, long, very long

"Twilight" in Ukraine

Mass Grave by Church in Ukraine        Warning : For normal caring humans evil is hard to countenance . Denial an emotional protection against that reality. Before Putin's invasion even in Ukraine the bulk of citizenry lived in denial that this evil would fall on them in these modern times in Europe. Putin's invasion of Ukraine now turns even uglier and s adly predictable. Obvious evidence of apparent genocide appears as dead civilians sprawl where murdered along a Bucha street. The bodies of the murdered civilians left where executed by retreating Russian soldiers. As usual Putin and the Kremlin lie, claiming that the Ukrainians staged the scenes with actors. Aerial footage, eyewitness accounts and bound and executed Ukrainian citizens testify to the truth. German intelligence intercepted a Russian soldier bragging how he murdered an unarmed civilian bicyclist.                          One can only look at such scenes so long before turning away or developing a caring det