
Showing posts from November, 2020

Recovery & The Song "O. H. & H. R. H. " (A video)

             The refrain for my song  " O.H.&H. R. H."  goes " Life ain't fair, and it, ain't fair it ain't fair."   Addictive compulsive diseases like alcoholism and drug dependency afflict many people. Cunning and baffling diseases denial is the dominant symptom. The person with the disease denies that they have a serious problem in spite of evidence to the contrary. Recovery only begins when denial ends.       T he term recovery generally refers to recovery from an addiction. But what exactly does that mean?  What was lost that needs to be recovered? To recover is to become more conscious of that creative energy source responsible for each of us and our amazing Universe. To learn to value and align ourselves within the context of that originating power.       As a poet I conceptualize that creative energy source as " The Power That Flows Through All Things ." In moments of satori immersed in nature occasionally my monkey mind stops swing