Recovery & The Song "O. H. & H. R. H. " (A video)


       The refrain for my song "O.H.&H. R. H." goes "Life ain't fair, and it, ain't fair it ain't fair."  Addictive compulsive diseases like alcoholism and drug dependency afflict many people. Cunning and baffling diseases denial is the dominant symptom. The person with the disease denies that they have a serious problem in spite of evidence to the contrary. Recovery only begins when denial ends. 

    The term recovery generally refers to recovery from an addiction. But what exactly does that mean?  What was lost that needs to be recovered? To recover is to become more conscious of that creative energy source responsible for each of us and our amazing Universe. To learn to value and align ourselves within the context of that originating power. 

    As a poet I conceptualize that creative energy source as "The Power That Flows Through All Things." In moments of satori immersed in nature occasionally my monkey mind stops swinging from synapse to synapse, becomes amazingly quiet. On those occasions I become intimately aware of being completely immersed in everything. Like a fish chased by a bigger fish jumps out of the ocean trying to escape, looks down for the first time at that immense body of water to exclaim; "Wow, that's what old timers call Ocean". We live in a vast sea of potential filled with currents of possibility that goes on seemingly forever.  Recognizing the need to tap into the potential of a greater power can facilitate positive growth.  

    I'm blessed with many friends. Some have been in recovery for thirty years or more. Some have left this plane of being in the last few years due to natural causes. Although missed I carry part of them with me as I carry parents, and family in this chain of being that goes backward and forward. The song O. H. & H. R. H. is dedicated to all those in recovery and family members who have been impacted by the family disease of addiction. Yes, the whole family is affected by the disease. Family members are impacted usually due to worrying about and trying to control the loved one who has the addiction. Family members need their own Recovery!

     One friend described the beginning to Recovery as; "This crap's got to stop!" Suffering with an uncontrollable compulsion the individual enters recovery in great suffering. Suffering opens the door to a new life, a rebirth as belief  in their human potential is restored. Step by step those in recovery grow spiritually as they begin the process so well described by the poet T. S. Eliot. "We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

   To grow spiritually means to let go of old ways and beliefs that no longer serve us well. The picture of the birch tree and shed bark below illustrates the necessity of letting go of the old so new growth can occur. As I mentioned in an earlier blog I lost one Grandfather to alcoholism when just a toddler. A boy just learning to walk. I don't, can't remember anything about him, but my father certainly was affected by his disease.


     As babies that innate sense of wonder is lost as we mature into adults. For me what's recovered is that sense of Wonder. Wonder at Being at all!  We don't return to childhood. We return to that place of Wonder at a higher level of consciousness "and know that place for the first time." 

    Hope you take time to Wonder today about your life. Your place in this incredible chain of being. Thanks for Joining me on this exploration. May Peace and Serenity Be Yours! Your Loving Friend Tony

Ps: The Pink Squirrel is a trout fishing fly that originated in Viroqua, Wi.  A fishing friend gave me the card which I keep on the refrigerator. Serves as a frequent reminder every time I open that door to contemplate what to eat next. 

About the Blogger/Author: Anthony Hendricks published The Waste Land Revisited, an E Book poem about the dystopia, dysfunction and threat of global warming. A line from the poem, "Arrogant ignorance/ Trumps truth..." (An audio version is planned.) A Journey in the Human Dilemma, Living a Koan, a collection of poetry and prose.


  1. I love this particular blog and it speaks to me on many levels. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, musings and continual quest for learning and being open to the possibilities!


  2. Awesome Tony! Great song, you're really getting the hang of this technology thing!

  3. Very well done Tony! You kept my interest through the whole song/story. You've definitely have a gift.

  4. Tony,
    I have to believe that this is a true story. Even if it isn’t I love the idea of putting epoxy in the locker door... but then I would .... not the best choice.

    I love your tone and delivery.. always. And it is a family disease. And it ain’t fair.

    Be well, stay safe.
    Thank you for sharing your talents!



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