Cloud Walking -- A Meditation with Video & Music!


  At Swan Pond for my evening walk, mesmerized by the sky I began taking a video when the phrase 'Cloud Walking' rose from the depths to manifest in consciousness. 

Cloud Walking
Grounded on earth
Eyes reach heavenward
As setting sun
Highlights ephemeral clouds
Stretching over horizon's shores
With orange, yellow, pink, red glows;

Sight seeing ends
Where instinct begins
Transcending physical matter,
To grow an illumination
Beauty lovingly caresses
Like golden tresses,
Without any need 
To fully comprehend! 

                                                               (For Lee)

    At Swan Pond I start by lifting my left foot, lean forward, shift weight through the center of gravity rock forward on the ball of my right foot, land the left to repeat the motion. Walking is a directional balancing act.  We all first crawled on all fours before learning to balance on two legs and walk. 

    This body exists as a vehicle.... made to move. Darwin focused solely on our physical development on planet earth. Spiritual energy not only propels the body but includes the where withal to think, create and do science. A basic law of physics states that energy can not be created or destroyed. Energy changes how it is expressed. Spiritual energy animates this body to type these words.... a desire to express myself to become more intimate with myself, and at the same time communicate with others. Others being you who chose to read what I write. 

    The desire for transcendence, which frequently starts in great suffering, leads many onto a spiritual path. A conscious effort to develop a broader more enlightened consciousness. The evolution of this part of our being has grown with our physical development. The two go hand in hand as if some universal energy needs, desires our conscious development. Co-arising exists as an evolutionary need of that creative energy that started the Universe and everything we know. 

    For us short lived beings the time scale for all of this development seems unimaginable long. The Universe is estimated to be 13.8 Billion years old. Earth about 4.5 billion years old. Compared to the typical life span of we humans at a mere 80 years our longevity can seem like an oxymoron, a bad joke. Which makes evaluating the evolutionary development of spirit difficult. 

    One fact I've learned about myself is I'm frequently impatient. Impatient with my spiritual development and that of humanity. I see our spiritual potential as a great many humans live according to the Golden Rule. Yet the full blossoming of that potential seems yet to be a long way off. The response to Covid 19 illustrates this lack of development. The hubris of short term politics  minimized the appropriate response by turning Covid into a political issue. Truth knows  that a pandemic is solely a health and safety issue.  A virus is not capable of caring, does not prefer any political persuasion, does not take sides, only seeks to replicate itself. 

      My epic environmental poem The Waste Land Revisited explores the current dystopia a short term view focused on global warming and the imbalance in nature our success as a species has created. To take a much longer view of being and recognize there exists a continuity from human life to human life I've roughed out the first draft of a nonfiction book aimed at exploring the evolution of spiritual awareness on earth. This work provides a means to further my own spiritual growth.

    More will be revealed. Thank you for joining me on this exploration. Take an ephemeral journey let your mind rise to join the clouds today. May Peace and Serenity Be Yours! Tony


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