Midwinter Dreams of You -- A song!

   Darlene & I send you seasons greetings and wish you and your family the best for the holidays and the New Year ready to start.

    Seasons change. A few years ago in winter while snow fell on a cold day I wrote the song Midwinter Dreams of You! The longing for a more conscious connection with the power that flows through all things. The lyrics are below: click on Midwinter Dreams of You to hear my recording.

 Midwinter Dreams of You!

Snow falls softly down,
Covers over frozen ground;
Trees like statues stand
Sentinels in icy wind;

Midwinter dreams of you
A longing hard to express
Words always fail
Can only suggest the tale;

In a cavern deep in white gown 
You never sleep,
Tucked beneath your breast,
The eternal flame
You caress;

There it pulses and glows 
Throughout the dark abyss
For all who would be blessed
For all who would bless;

Your warmth spreads through the night,
Bringing dreamers to the light,
Midwinter dreams of you
A child quickening in the womb
You're the only one,
The lover of all loves,
Yes you're the only one
The lover of all loves!

    Some seasons are easier than others. Throughout history our ancestors watched the sky and stars to learn when the the light stopped receding and began to grow again. The winter solstice the shortest day of the year occurred December 21, slowly the day light will grow longer as the earth tilts back on it's axis while rotating around the sun. Many cultures have a tradition of a child born at the darkest time of the year. The gift of new life at a time least expected. 
    In looking through my photos I found changes documented in my neighbors gardens. Rich, verdant blooming all summer now barren like the trees waiting out the cold.

  Winter a cold dark time, the death of the year, a time of survival, hibernation for many animals. A time to reflect which can create a longing for connection and the strength that spiritual connection can bring. Death and life depend on each other. Without death no new life or regeneration. The buds have already set on many trees ready to grow new leaves in spring.  A great celebration; the death of one year leading to renewal and the start of the next year. 

 May you find peace and serenity one day at time. Tony

Joyful snow couple in a neighbor's yard!


  1. All the best to you & yours for Merry Xmas & a healthy New Year!!!


  2. Thanks, Tony! Happy holidays to you and all your family. 🎄🎁❄️

  3. Thank you for this reminder. Blessings to you!

  4. Thank you Tony, quiet lovely words and song on this cold dark hopeful morning.



  5. Hi Tony, beautiful lyrics, I clicked on the link to hear the song and received a response that I needed to have my request for the Google download to be approved...?


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