New Year & Spirit Dance! (Music video)

    We all start out so small, a microscopic egg in our mother's womb. Time, nourishment and love allow us to grow up. I wrote Spirit Dance eighteen years ago as Darlene and I were driving back to Wisconsin for the birth of the first Grandchild. 

    Here he is on his eighteenth birthday with Donkey. Donkey is a story in our relationship. As a very young boy sometimes we would babysit him. Frequently we would watch Shrek together. Donkey being one of the main characters for an early birthday he received Donkey as a present. Things of course changed as he grew up. After a few years of growth he decided he was going to let Donkey go live somewhere else. For sale at their garage sale Darlene decided we'd adopt Donkey. Of course Donkey being an extrovert and Darlene and I being introverts Donkey doesn't get out much.... just at Birthdays. Donkey would complain if he could really talk... but such is the life of a stuffed toy... he can't... so I usually do it for him.... just to let him know we understand.  (Click on Spirit Dance to hear the song.) 

What are we doing here my friends,
What are we doing here,
Feeling lost and so alone,
Feeling lost and so forlorn,
Skyscrapers reaching for the sun,
Glittering glass covers everyone,
People stand stare out so high,
Not a one can tell us why!

So let your Spirit Dance,
Let your Spirit Dance,
One true romance,
Let your Spirit Dance!

Down on the street, no one waves hi,
While thousands of cars go streaming by,
Concrete so hard when it hits your chin
Make you turn, make you spin,
Remember when you were just a child,
You didn't need to know why,
Friend I can see it in your eyes,
You want to shed the weight of lies,


Now many years have passed me by,
Down on the floor a new grandchild,
Chubby knees and little hands,
Crawling as fast as he can,
I grab the child up, he squeals with delight,
Smiling eyes shine so bright,
Now I remember as a child
The gift still lives deep inside,


Now you know what you're doing here,
You know exactly why, 
You've come to let your spirit grow,
 You've come to let your spirit fly;

Let your Spirit Dance,
Let your Spirit Dance,
One true romance 
Let your Spirit Dance,
Let your Spirit Dance;

    Music can reach places inside us that can move us. I play the song for myself frequently. I get energy from the music, the singing and the reminder to let my Spirit Dance. I hope you who I share with find some good energy in the song and music too. 

        We started at the top with a picture of mother and son shortly. Here's mother and son, now that he's a strapping eighteen year old in his senior year of High School. Many changes occur during our lives we are born into a body literally embodied. Each body has a limited shelf life. That which animates our bodies, our spiritual energy existed before birth and continues on after death of the physical. As to the details of how all this works remains a mystery, but I draw comfort from that understanding as I grow older and age. Now starting my seventy-first year on planet earth.... in this physical form I'm even more diligent in letting my spirit dance. 

May peace and serenity be yours... let the new year start off by letting your Spirit Dance! 


  1. Tony, I remember the first time I heard this song, you sang it at a party in my living room. Good memories!

    1. The Blog listed me as "Unknown" but its me, Bick.


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