Guaranteed -- The World Will Not End Today!

A New Friend -- No Social Distancing Required!

     Humor the ability to laugh, especially at myself is essential to maintain spiritual balance and growth.  I took the picture around Halloween with my new friend. A neighbor. Yes, we had a nice chat. I did most of the talking. He only said "The Bare Bones."   One weekend many years ago after feeling depressed I wrote the song, "Bad, Bad, Feelin' Bad Blues." An exaggeration that immediately lifted my spirits. Haven't been able to pull that Vlog together yet. Bookmark that one for a future share. 

  Today I want to share an exclusive with you my friends, relatives, comrades on this spiritual journey called life. This exclusive offer comes with a money back guarantee. The World Will Not End Today! Yes, I guarantee that The World Will Not End Today! If you partake in this exclusive offer... an exclusive offer offered as a free trial to you my friends... you can get in on the ground floor of the next Internet Phenomenon. Join me in promoting this truth. This can be huge and possibly lucrative. 

    First I need to explain how I came upon this brilliant idea.... an inspired revelation. Many years ago as a typical human growing up in a typical somewhat dysfunctional family I developed the feeling of doom. I knew for certain that the World Would End Soon. I went to bed every night feeling confident that I would not wake up in the morning. The next morning, surprised to wake up I immediately thought okay, not last night but Today. Today the world will end. For sure!  Oh, I went about in a typical way, I even looked or appeared normal on the outside. I went to school and managed to graduate from High School by the skin of my teeth. Then went to college and managed to graduate, the usual stuff, marriage work, so on and so forth. Of course there are many details but we'll skip those. 

    For forty some odd years of my life I went to bed every night feeling certain the World would die and me along with it. After forty years, I grew irritated and impatient with the World Not Ending. What in tarnation is the matter, I thought. Doesn't the World Know It's Supposed to end? This led me to begin an in depth inquiry... a search that brought me to spiritual practice and a slow certain enlightenment. While sharing spiritual practice with friends, doing readings and meditating or in my case it might be called fuzzy cogitation a dim light began to grow. Maybe.... just maybe I might be, could be wrong in thinking that the world would end Today. 

    In spiritual practice with a group of mentors, informal gurus, masters of a sort who refused to be called masters I came to a mind boggling simple conclusion: There was something to this One Day At A Time Stuff  Instead of worrying about tomorrow they focused on and practiced living One Day At A Time. Sometimes a Damned awful day. Sometimes a fantastically Joyful Day. And a lot of Days between those two extremes, but no matter what  a single day brought, they always focused on that One Day At A Time. How crazy is that?

    The longer I practiced with this group of mentors who became friends I became more certain that indeed I had been wrong. That's when the fireworks went off the light went from a dim inkling to a certainty. The World Will Not End Today! All along it had simply been my thinking that had been in error.

    Normally I charge $9.95 for this unequivocal money back Guarantee. Which comes with a cheap paper certificate  with your and my name on it. The fake gold seal is included at no extra charge. If you want your dog or cat's name added that's an additional $3.95. The Family Guarantee can be purchased for $19.95. Does not include all the family tree. No! No Chimpanzee relatives included in the Family Plan! The Guarantee states that if my Guarantee should fail for any reason, and The World Does End Today you are entitled to a full refund. First though you must locate me another planet I've reincarnated on or in another dimension I may be residing in! Good luck there! To put a positive spin on it. Think of it as a spiritual reunion. Wonder what hugs feel like in the fifth dimension?   

    Maybe along with Serenity you may have a laugh or two Today! Peace be with you, Tony

    Comment: In the picture above, Who has the nicest Smile? Add your opinion to the Comment Section. There's no write answer although I have a certain bias. 


  1. Funny you..😛
    Your friend smile wins...he knows when his world ended...he can’t predict the final ending but h does not have to worry about it.....💖

  2. your blog is a breath of fresh air. Although your thin friend has an out of this world smile I think Ill vote for yours

  3. Just what I needed. Thank you

  4. You and your friend have dazzling smiles. Keep up the smiling. Laugh always. Cheers.

  5. Isn't it wonderful when some of our horrific thoughts that seem Compellingly True are revealed to simply be worn out mental habits that can be taken out of circulation?! Thank you for the reminder! And I'll have to second the vote for your smile... there's just something more Alive about it! - Michele


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