
Showing posts from February, 2021

Where Wild Flowers Grow -- Valentines Video with Song!

      My wife Darlene and I bonded many years ago while backpacking in the Wind River Range not far from the Teton Mountains. Afterwards I wrote the song "Where Wild Flowers Grow" which I dedicated to her. The words to the song follow. (Click on the link for video & music.)    Where Wild Flowers Grow (A Hiker's Hymn for Darlene) 1)  Wild flowers don't grow in window sills, Natural beauty rarely occurs in a city, Lace up your boots, let's for a walk, Out where crazy trees, grow from naked rock. Out there we'll find wind and rain,  Open skies with clouds and stars, Let down your hair feel the blow, Take off your shirt feel the cold.  2)  Sky pilots grow on mountain tops, Above timberline fragrant prayers eddy, One foot step at a time on a narrow trail, Up where lupine blanket hidden meadows, Out there we'll find lakes and streams, Glaciers melting under a summer sun, Stretch out, lay down, with your love, Feel the warmth of ancient stone; 3)  Columbines

Austere Winter - poem, eagle rehab update!

* Fledgling Eagle & Redwing Black Birds! (Photo Courtesy; Jerry Davis)        Austere means severe, without comforts or luxury.  Northern winter lays bare the bones of being as if life holds its breath waiting to exhale. Viewing the winter scenery through the windshield of my truck as I drove home on Lincoln Road, I began composing the following poem. Austere Winter Austere winter; Snow blankets Every earthen fold, Bare trees Stand as dead Waiting To be Reborn;     Yet winter's austerity after summer's verdant lush growth prepares dormant earth for the next spring and new growth.  Every living thing has it's season. We too enjoy our season of growth, raise children who bear grandchildren. To my delight my grandson Sam in fourth grade wrote the following poem then read it for us on face time.  Look Outside Look outside The sky is blue Look again, it's you! Oh yeah! Building a Snowman That looks fun! Look outside The sky is gray What a bad time we are having today. We