Little Green Heron Hunts Beauty!

Little Green Heron*

      Although the gray beard seems destined for white the boy inside remains alive and well. Always enjoys exploring and observing nature. Being there, in the moment with blue sky, clouds, wind, rain, trees, plants and wildlife. Yesterday another jaunt at Swan Pond. The path that starts at Swan Pond passes three bodies of water. Swan Pond proper near the road,  then a small pond without a name and over the hill the huge shallow water wetland originally called Lake Barney.  In theory I walk for physical exercise. Yet I'm always stopping to observe. Taking pictures of what I see to share! 

        First this evening a dozen White Egrets in Swan Pond standing, wading, hunting, ready to strike. Several Great Blue Herons along the shore line. Mallard hens with half grown ducklings feed in the middle of the pond. Next I stop to check out the ripening Elder Berry. Take a picture before I put my hand under the ripest looking bunch. Just a touch to let dark ripe berries fall into my palm. I pop them into my mouth, but don't find them particularly flavorful. Then I proceed along observing Coyote droppings on the path. Hair and seeds in the Coyote scat indicate this Coyote last ate fresh rabbit and berries. 


           Over the hill I scan Lake Barney's eight hundred acres. A dozen Cormorants perch like ornaments in a dead tree. The Cormorants always seem to be just hanging out there. Then I follow the path into the trees, pass between two large oaks.  On the path tiny black fruits dot the asphalt fallen from the Black Cherry tree. I pass a young man, a birder with spotting scope, ask about what he has seen. He stops, remarks on seeing Green Herons and Cormorants. I walk on to where the little Green Herons tend to hang out. 

Little Green Heron 

         I'm in luck. two  Green Herons stand on logs very close. I focus my binoculars on the closest one to observe. Later write the following poem based on my observations.              

Little Green Heron Hunts Beauty!

Finally observe, 
On a log, close,
 In duck weed
 Covered water,
A Green Heron
Hunting supper;

The breast,
 A rich chestnut streaked
With cream colored lines,
Back, dark, almost blue-black,
A picture, a must;

The Green Heron
 Moves along the log,
Freezes, poised, 
Sharp bill pointed,
 A spring loaded arrow,
 Full length into water,
 With a frog
From its bill;

The Little Green flips
Limp frog back and forth
Many times then drops 
It back into the water;
Is it too large to swallow,
I wonder? 

The Green Heron picks
The dead frog up,
Flies a little ways to land,
Proceeds to swallow
The whole frog, 
 Head first,
 Until only 
 A webbed flipper
Hangs from the mouth; 

Finished with supper
The Green Heron
Flies into a tree,
To rest and digest;

Everything feeds 
On something else,
A beautiful green frog, 
Becomes the
Unerring beauty,
  Green Heron;

        The Green Heron exists as one of a few birds known to use tools. The Green Heron will use bread crusts, insects or other items to lure fish to the surface by dropping the bait in the water where they wait. When a fish rises to take the bait the Green Heron strikes to capture the fish. 

        As humans I believe we have a unique role on this planet as the dominate species. Our developing consciousness endows us with the ability  to recognize our interdependence and to value all other species. To value the whole creation recognizes our true intimacy. We seek an Earth Ethic a way to understand what balance and living in harmony with all other species means. That which resonates inside us to produce the word "Beauty" stimulates, recognizes that common desire.

        Plotinus** in his teachings never used the term "God" for the creative energy source of all we know. Instead Plotinus used "One" in his discourses as representative of that creative energy. The "One" related to the idea of "Good" and "Beauty" as principles. That which corresponds inside us and can exclaim "Beautiful" must be recognition of that higher order. 

Saola by Bill Robichaud 

        My friend Bill is dedicated to saving the Saola. A beautiful, shy, forest-dwelling herbivore that lives only in the Annamite Mountains of Vietnam and Laos. The Saola  is one of world's rarest mammals. Estimates suggest that fewer than a hundred still draw breath. Bill while doing bird surveys in Laos in 1992, learned of the discovery of this spectacular, rare species new to science across the border in Vietnam. He immediately felt called to go in search of of it. He didn't find it in the forest then, but a few years later spent a few weeks with the first adult Saola to be seen in captivity, in a small private zoo in Laos. This encounter changed his life; led him to work with many others to help save a viable remnant population. Surely that close encounter with the shy forest dweller must have triggered something inside Bill that corresponded with the word "Beautiful." 

    "Good" must be the urge inside us to save other species of animals as well as ourselves! An inner wisdom that  honors all being. Currently around the world conservation efforts by millions of people attempt to provide a safe refuge for many endangered species from the most humble to the most exotic.

        Viktor Frankl *** survived Auschwitz, Dachau, and other Nazi concentration camps during WW II to write and develop a psychology method based on meaning. "What man/woman actually needs is .... the striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal, a freely chosen task. What he/she needs is... the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him/her." 
        Extending our caring for ourselves and loved ones to the whole of creation provides a profound meaning that most surely accords with the "One."  Or if preferred "God". 

           Thank you for joining me. The boy thrives here. Find your inner child today and enjoy that which presents itself in the moment. May Peace and Serenity be yours. Tony 

 *Picture of the Little Green Heron from a public domain web site. 
Picture of Elderberry mine. Saola picture by Bill Robichaud. 
Picture of Green Heron on log by yours truly with an iphone.

** Plotinus ancient philosopher/teacher, taught Neoplatonism, born 205 CE, died 270 CE. Main idea: The One as the originating source of all things by Emanation.

Viktor Frankl's book  Man's Search for Meaning details his survival of concentration/death camps and subsequent development of a psychological method to help people find what they value most which can sustain their lives. 

Anthony G. Hendricks is a poet, author, started writing seriously after taking Workshops for Short Fiction and Poetry at the University of Wisconsin. Recently published a book length poem, The Waste Land Revisited, a commentary on the worldwide dystopia causing global warming. Now finalizing Buddha Blues, Strange to Be Me, a tongue in cheek novel in which Francis, the main character strives to stay alive long enough to contemplate the viability of suicide.  Journey in The Human Dilemma, Living a Koan, a collection of poetry and prose available only from the author.   


  1. Tony, thank you for sharing your wisdom, love of nature and talent.

    You are such a gift.


  2. Thank you, Tony.

    Such Beauty. Such Good.

    Just finished reading Joanna Macy's 30th anniversary edition of World As Lover, World as Self. Incredible, powerful, impactful. Resonates deeply with your writings.

    Blessings, Lisa

  3. I shall spend time today reflecting on the wisdom you shared today! Thank you. winnie


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