
Showing posts from October, 2021

Seasonal Changes!

Wild Cherry Tree -- Swan Pond       October  breathes cool mornings as leaves change toward true colors. As summer fades, daylight hours grow shorter and shorter. Plants reflect the changing seasons with late flowers and the promise of life turned into ripening seeds. Strange to look at seeds so  hard and dry and imagine what promise they may   hold through long cold frozen winter.       Wild Cherry Blossoms       In our lives we too move through seasons of change. Whether we want to or not the longer we live the older we grow. If lucky that is. Our lives change. We suffer growing pains. This past year with the start of Covid I decided to retire from how I made a living. I left the life of being an environmental engineer and mitigation contractor. Not with the idea of doing nothing. Nor to sit around  twirling  my thumbs or  just parking my butt on the couch to wonder what comes next. Opportunity knocks now for me to seriously do what I believe I was put on God's green Earth to do.