Seasonal Changes!

Wild Cherry Tree -- Swan Pond

     October breathes cool mornings as leaves change toward true colors. As summer fades, daylight hours grow shorter and shorter. Plants reflect the changing seasons with late flowers and the promise of life turned into ripening seeds. Strange to look at seeds so  hard and dry and imagine what promise they may  hold through long cold frozen winter.  


Wild Cherry Blossoms

     In our lives we too move through seasons of change. Whether we want to or not the longer we live the older we grow. If lucky that is. Our lives change. We suffer growing pains. This past year with the start of Covid I decided to retire from how I made a living. I left the life of being an environmental engineer and mitigation contractor. Not with the idea of doing nothing. Nor to sit around twirling  my thumbs or  just parking my butt on the couch to wonder what comes next. Opportunity knocks now for me to seriously do what I believe I was put on God's green Earth to do. Share my writing in poetry,  songs and prose.  In short share the creative gifts received from that mysterious energy source, the power that flows through all things --  my inquisitive creative nature. 

This Embodiment

This embodiment,
After all these years
Seems now
A routine
On and on,
With each passing day
Appearing to
Romantically change
As if longing
Can sustain
That which can
Be amazed
At being
At all. 
Wild Cherries Ripening

    Lately in my walks I've focused on the myriad of forms.** How we humans revel in observing different forms and naming them. Each flower species has a unique form. Traits that distinguish it from other flowers species. Subspecies are variations created by adaptation to different environments. Although I can appreciate the work of botanists I am not one. I  focus on obvious differences. Stem shape and thickness, leaf shape, flower shape and color. I like to the touch the plants. Some feel smooth, some feel rough and hairy, some like cactus I learned long ago not to touch. Then there's the mint plants and lavender. I love to touch them gently then place my thumb and finger under my nose. Inhale the faint fragrance they exude.  

These Poet's Eyes

These Poet's Eyes,
To the suggestive 
World of form,

The most common,
Art critics,
Fail to acclaim!

Ripe Wild Cherries


     If habit has it's way, if I let self talk dominate while I walk, that which goes on between my ears, it's easy to miss being in touch with the here and now. Strolling through the neighborhood or nearby parks the extraordinariness of the ordinary can capture my attention open me to wonder. Being there in the moment is a form of meditation that opens me more and more to the wonder of being at all.

Walk at Swan Pond

A hot September sun,
Sky quiet blue,
White clouds hardly move;
A breath of breeze
Stirs Cherry Tree leaves,
Brushes over
Ageing skin
Where raised 
Winding tracks,
Mark vessels
Of blood 
Feeding fingers,
That hold pen
Write words that rise
Out of
A well of grief,
To transcend,
Into Love.

Wild Cherry Seed 

  To look at the dried seed of the wild Black Cherry hard to imagine that it contains everything needed to grow into a tall tree, rooted in earth stretching into the light. Each of us started as a single microscopic egg produced by our mother then joined by our father's sperm, a tiny nearly invisible spec containing the DNA information to form, body, intellect and  support the soul. Philosophers, scientists and theologians agree that everything we see and know in the Universe started as a single seed. Call that start a Singularity if you're a scientist or the One if you're a philosopher or  God if you're Theologian. Or The-Power-That-Flows-Through-All- Things if you have poetic inclinations like me. Understand these are only suggestive names we give the mystery of being at all. 

        Since you've read this far you've joined me in the last phase of this mystery called my life on planet earth where I focus more and more on sharing my writing efforts. I named my company In A-Maze Publishing. Double entendre intended since at times I can get lost in the maze of my mind then periodically stop the noise between my ears to be Amazed at being at all. My first offering * Buddha Blues! A satiric absurdist novel where Francis the main character wonders whether life is worth living.  Irony of ironies at least two people seriously want Francis dead. Francis must stay alive long enough to fully contemplate, cogitate and meditate on suicide as a viable option.  

        Thanks for Being here now and joining me. May Peace and Serenity be Yours; Tony also known as Anthony.  

    * Anthony G. Hendricks, author, poet, nature lover -- naturally;  Buddha Blues, just published with a great cover created by his Sister Judith; available at Amazon as print on demand or as an e book at Amazon or Kobo. With formatting help on cover and interior by Woven Red. Other books The Wasteland Revisited, a book length poem about the dystopia causing global warming; available as an e book at Amazon; A Journey In The Human Dilemma, collected poetry and prose; trade paper back on available through the author. 

    ** I'm working on a video to feature form as a meditation that I want to narrate. Couldn't get it done for this go round. I'll try to get it out next week.


  1. Tony,

    Thank you for sharing your creative gifts. You stirred many emotions and thoughts this morning.

    I listen to your wisdom. Looking forward to reading and hearing more

    Let the hard seeds weather and bloom!


  2. I love your words and look forward to more a-maze(ment) in the future! I always appreciate the gentle reminders to open my senses to the extraordinary in this (ostensibly) ordinary moment.

    Bowing in gratitude, my friend.

  3. Very inspirational and thought provoking Tony. Thank you for the serenity it brings me. Sandy W

  4. Well done Tony! Thank you for creating and sharing this.


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