
Showing posts from November, 2021

Absurdist Author Cries Fowl Over Big Bird Tweet!

A Fowl Reading           "Fair is Fowl, and fowl is fair," said the three witches in Macbeth. But what did Shakespeare know? I cry. Fowl! Fowl! Fowl! Senator Ted Cruz,  who is vaccinated, and who has said "I believe in vaccines" bless him tweeted that Sesame Street's Big Bird, that gangly yellow, soft spoken Muppet, is a yellow bellied government propagandist out to undermine our vulnerable American children who can't help but adore him. What did Big Bird do that's so  egregious now that a vaccine has been approved for children ages 5 to 11?     Horror of horrors Big Bird tweeted, naturally what else would a bird do, "I got the Covid-19 vaccine today! ...wings a little sore, but it'll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me .... healthy."  Nothing so diabolical has happened since Socrates attempted to get the youth of Athens, back in the day, to seek Truth. Socrates paid for that with his life! Republican right wing propagandis