Absurdist Author Cries Fowl Over Big Bird Tweet!

A Fowl Reading 

        "Fair is Fowl, and fowl is fair," said the three witches in Macbeth. But what did Shakespeare know? I cry. Fowl! Fowl! Fowl! Senator Ted Cruz, who is vaccinated, and who has said "I believe in vaccines" bless him tweeted that Sesame Street's Big Bird, that gangly yellow, soft spoken Muppet, is a yellow bellied government propagandist out to undermine our vulnerable American children who can't help but adore him. What did Big Bird do that's so egregious now that a vaccine has been approved for children ages 5 to 11? 
   Horror of horrors Big Bird tweeted, naturally what else would a bird do, "I got the Covid-19 vaccine today! ...wings a little sore, but it'll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me .... healthy."  Nothing so diabolical has happened since Socrates attempted to get the youth of Athens, back in the day, to seek Truth. Socrates paid for that with his life! Republican right wing propagandists, all wonderful asinine liars, began heating up the oil on the stove to fry Big Bird. Ouch! They called Big Bird evil for trying to save American children from a disease that has infected over 6.5 million children already in the U.S. 
A Fowl Absurd Novel

        Why all the Right Wing Republican Senatorial vitriol against this Muppet Icon? Did Ted's parents buy him a Big Bird alarm clock that woke him every morning saying: "Wake up! It's me Big Bird! It's time to get up! Open your little eyes now. Don't roll over and go back to sleep! One foot out of bed, now the other. Ok, have a nice day, and don't forget to wind your clock!" Totally obnoxious. How Ted must have grown to hate Big Bird waking him up to go to a public school then to law school. Just so he could become the obnoxious Senator of today.  How that resentment must fester in him. Was he forced to eat vegetables? Or worse was he denied that alarm clock which he begged for for Christmas, because his parents knew Big Bird was a double agent working both for the Kremlin and the CIA. 
    Then there's the absurd media obsession with Aaron Rodgers. Did he or did he not tell the truth? Who's he to get all this attention? Merely an all pro, MVP quarterback with the Green Bay Packers. So what? Rodgers fumbled his interview right at the snap on the Pat McAfee program. Rodgers led off with a whole series of right wing dog whistles: "Woke mob;" "cancel culture"; "witch hunt",  You'd have thought he was Donald Trump who woke a mob up on January 6, 2021 to assault the Capital Police, invade Congress in an attempt to overturn a free, fair and honest democratic election. Dumb Aaron! Dumb! Bad Quarterback! Bad go pee on the paper will you! Sure SNL spoofed him a bit.  Gave him the Charmin treatment. Soft and gentle on the Bum! 
    How can an absurdist author compete with such a strange odd couple monopolizing the media? One a short loathsome narcissistic Senator the other an over eight foot tall yellow lovable Muppet Icon. Fowl! Fowl! Fowl I say. They suck up all the absurd media attention. Or an all pro MVP quarterback who can throw Hail Marys that get caught in the end zone to win games and is worth 120 million dollars. 
    I plan to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. This odd couple and interview fumbling quarterback have cornered the media market unfairly on the Absurd.  A monopolistic practice that makes once upon a time Standard Oil appear saintly. 
    Tired of being upstaged I'm going to get ahead of the curve now. I demand that I be credited with the following true stories: 1) Kermit the Frog is really red. The green is fake skin put on to camouflage his true nature as a Commie Frog; 2) Miss Piggy is actually a notorious Red Sparrow, a sexy, seductive Russian Spy; 3) Sesame Street was always a Leftist progressive plot to promote the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would be done unto. Bah! Humbug!  4) Jesus lived and died on the cross as a closet Social Democrat preaching the radical theory of Peace and Love. So diabolical it no doubt influenced Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Parents should protest the teaching of this awful theory to their children in public schools. Check out the Sermon on the Mount and the part in the Bible where a multitude of people share a small basket of a few fish and  loaves of bread -- and nobody hogs it all. How un-Billionaire like is that? Disgusting! 

   Believe it or Not: Truth is not stranger than fiction only much rarer. 

   (In my next blog, I may explore the failed Revival of Witch Hunting in America! More witches haunt the media now than ever since the Salem Witch Trials.  And why are all the most notorious witches in America males? Is this some strange effort by a mysterious unseen force to correct a gender bias?)  

    Until next time Friends, I remain tongue-in-check, truly yours! Be Well! Imbibe deeply in the serenity of knowing that Jesus spoke truth when he said, "They know not what they do!" Ps: If you like this blog pass it on... to anybody and everybody. Let them know you're tired of the Real Absurd upstaging the Fictional Absurd. 

   Anthony G. Hendricks, author, poet, nature lover -- naturally;  Buddha Blues, just published with a great cover created by his Sister Judith; available at Amazon as print on demand or as an e book at Amazon or Kobo. With formatting help on cover and interior by Woven Red. Other books The Wasteland Revisited, a book length poem about the dystopia causing global warming; available as an e book at Amazon; A Journey In The Human Dilemma, collected poetry and prose; trade paper back only available through the author. 


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