Freeing The Fairy Seeds!


        This year I saw only one Monarch at the conservancy where I walk daily. The conservancy includes a large planted prairie with very few Milkweed plants. Those Milkweeds grew near the paved path where the prevailing winds blow toward the houses and mowed lawns across the street. The following poem reflects my attempts to help the Milkweed plants spread there wings so to speak and increase next years crop. 

        Freeing The Fairy Seeds!

As one season bleeds
Into another,
Green photosynthesis
Dies to the light,
Reveals a
 Spectrum of
Red, yellow,
 Bronze and brown;

        A night rain
          Wets grounded earth,
        As wind gusts shake
      Loose leaves;

     A good day
     To just put
     One foot
     In front of
      The other;

Rut ready
To begin,
The boy's 
Ancient man
Flares nostrils,
The fecund odor
Of Autumn;

Gravitas and melancholy
Form counterpoint,
A somber symphony,
Beyond wish

What few remain,
Long ago migrated,
I pick dried
 Milkweed pods,
Stuff them in pockets,
Wade into 
The vibrant conservancy;

Big Bluestems
To rise again 

Deep in the prairie,
Where no one mows,
I pull rough pods out,

Delight to
 Feel silky wings
As I loose
Fairy seeds 
Into the ebb
And flow;

They find 
An earthen home,
To root and grow,
Next years crop
For return
Of the 

        Serendipity..... while looking for something else I found the next poem which I'd written some time ago. 

In Awe... 

the red maple leaf 
hidden inside
the green, 
that waits
hidden in
the alchemy 
of sun, soil,

without beginning
a mysterious cycle 
of rising and falling
appears, just in time
to vanish
before eyes
of the
innocent witness,
transient bum,
who marvels

red leaf
soon to fall
into rising;  

           A final thought considering fall as the harbinger of winter. Seeing this dead downed oak growing a vibrant coat of moss and lichen raised the thought; 'Death supports life.' Therefore life needs death. Inseparable twins that can't exist without each other. We exist as leaves on the tree of life. The branching of unseen spiritual energy from the source supports our growth. Each of us will have our time in the sun to grow and transfer energy; then fall, return to earth so new life may grow from our passing. 

        Thank You for joining me my friends. We walk hand in hand whether touching or not.  

 Anthony G. Hendricks, author, poet, nature lover -- naturally;  Buddha Blues, just published with a great cover created by his Sister Judith; available at Amazon as print on demand or as an e book at Amazon or Kobo. With formatting help on cover and interior by Woven Red. Other books The Wasteland Revisited, a book length poem about the dystopia causing global warming; available as an e book at Amazon; A Journey In The Human Dilemma, collected poetry and prose; trade paper back


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