
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Tennessee Three Fight to Save Lives

  "Mug Shot of The Tennessee Three"          The Republican controlled majority in the Tennessee House voted on April 5, to expel all three of these desperados from the legislature. One vote failed to reach a two thirds majority.   Accused of the incredible heinous crime of shredding the States constitution by use of a baby bullhorn. An unbelievably creative crime that would be believable if they worked as a Nashville backup band with an electric guitar and humongous amp. Shredding would just come natural in that case.          Tennessee State Representative Justin Jones, Gloria Johnson and Justin Pearson led chants from the floor of the House, known as the well, calling on colleagues to pass gun control legislation while hundreds maybe thousands rallied outside for for that purpose. This violated one of the most sacrosanct unwritten laws written in invisible ink on the gold plated ass of a Republican Elephant. Or maybe its on the ass of a Republican sitting on a gold plated