The Tennessee Three Fight to Save Lives

"Mug Shot of The Tennessee Three"

        The Republican controlled majority in the Tennessee House voted on April 5, to expel all three of these desperados from the legislature. One vote failed to reach a two thirds majority.   Accused of the incredible heinous crime of shredding the States constitution by use of a baby bullhorn. An unbelievably creative crime that would be believable if they worked as a Nashville backup band with an electric guitar and humongous amp. Shredding would just come natural in that case.
        Tennessee State Representative Justin Jones, Gloria Johnson and Justin Pearson led chants from the floor of the House, known as the well, calling on colleagues to pass gun control legislation while hundreds maybe thousands rallied outside for for that purpose. This violated one of the most sacrosanct unwritten laws written in invisible ink on the gold plated ass of a Republican Elephant. Or maybe its on the ass of a Republican sitting on a gold plated throne. Just a fancy toilet seat to you and me. These things do get confusing at times.  A rule so secret that God didn't dare tell Moses about it. "Though shalt not embarrass Republicans by speaking the truth."  Screw that piker Satan, they sold their soul to the National Rifle Association long ago. Evidently the NRA  pays better. Republicans have no qualms or conscious about staying sold. A republican bought can be counted on to stay bought. As long as the green keeps caressing their palms. They get embarrassed angry, fit to be tied, pissed off when confronted with the truth. Hmm sounds like a former President.... let me think. 

A Real Mug Shot

Here a real mug shot taken at arraignment of the Leader of the Republican Party. Allegedly paid off the porn star Stormy Daniels so that he could get elected President. Paying off a porn star is not illegal. 1) Creating false business documents/records to cover up the payment is. 2) Attempted to overturn a free and fair election in violation of the Constitution of the United States of a America. A document he swore to uphold. First by promoting the Big Lie about the election being stolen. Now there's some real shredding. 3)  Then attempted a coup to prevent the legal transfer of power to Joe Biden who won. He incited an attack on Congress to prevent the certification of a free and fair election and honest vote count. He organized a rally and instructed his mob to march on the Capital. Many of those defending our capital that day were injured by the mob. Some of those injuries resulted in death.. Remember Brian Sicknick? A man who stood for us  between the January 6, insurrectionists and a Putin style dictatorship.  His loved ones remember him and miss him.
Thank You Brian!
        Republicans accused the Tennessee Three, all legally elected Representatives, of bringing "disorder and dishonor to the House." Truth bears witness against Republicans. Their real crime to honestly represent the voters of their districts in demanding meaningful gun laws. Their real crime as expressed by their constituents; the desire to Save Lives. The Speaker of the House a true Lilliputian would not let them speak, would not allow them to Represent the citizens who elected them. During a recess they went to the podium to support peaceful protestors who sought meaningful gun reform. Why? Three nine year old students and three adults had just been murdered in yet another mass shooting in a school only blocks away. Mass shootings now a routine daily experience in America. Averaging two a day over one hundred thirty have disgraced the year 2023 and we're just now approaching Easter. Carnage in America! Who really dishonors the House? Who promotes violence in America? Which party is responsible for the carnage in America? Just look at the lapel pin now worn by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy and George Santos? Republicans threw away their American Flag lapel pins in favor of the AR 15 lapel pins.  The weapon of choice for most mass murderers. Santos a known liar and alleged criminal. Wonder when Republicans will expel him? EXCUSE ME! Do to my bad failing memory I forgot. He's a Republican and Republicans' love their criminals.

Another Real Mug Shot

        Hope rises with the sun this Easter with the example provided by the Tennessee Three.  They raised the voice of sanity. They honored and represented their constituency and the majority of Americans who want meaningful gun control laws. Hear Justin Pearson speak shortly before the vote to disenfranchise the voters in his district.

        Hope rises listening to the Tennessee Three defend their actions in the name of their constituents, in the name of those most recently murdered, three nine year old children and three staff members all at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, in the name of all who want effective gun control in this Nation. With the courage to speak truth, to confront those attempting once again to suppress the voice of truth,  the nonviolent legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. rises once again this Easter. Assassinated in Memphis Tennessee April 4, 1968 Proof that Dr. King's spirit the loving passion that motivated him lives on. 
        The exchange between the Tennessee Three and their accusers on the house floor is awe inspiring.
They spoke well for their constituents and the lame accusers attacks demonstrated their hypocrisy. Inspired by their passion and ability to articulate their desire to represent their constituents with loving language they rose above their accusers who simple made asses of themselves. (You Tube has all of these back and forth exchanges between accused and accusers. I strongly recommend these to all Americans.) 
        Listening to the Tennessee Three I felt once again proud to be an American who has always believed in our founding spiritual document, The Declaration of Independence. The Right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  Without the first right, the other two become meaningless.         

Thank You My Friends for Joining Me. May Peace and Serenity Be Yours!

Anthony G. Hendricks, author, poet, nature lover -- naturally;  Buddha Blues, just published with a great cover created by his Sister Judith; available at Amazon as print on demand or as an e book at Amazon or Kobo. With formatting help on cover and interior by Woven Red. Other books The Wasteland Revisited, a book length poem about the dystopia causing global warming; available as an e book at Amazon; A Journey In The Human Dilemma, collected poetry and prose; trade paper back



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