
Showing posts from September, 2023

Today .... Pray!

             Launching astronauts into space gave us a view of earth none of us had ever seen before. An incredible picture of our self sustaining home, our living breathing space ship, a blue-green organic jewel hanging in the black of space, illuminated by our sun. Somewhere on the picture each of us resides living out our lives. Now in my senior years, the following poem provides a perspective on our human journey. Today....Pray! Earth wobbles  Slightly, Twenty-four Hours a day,  Turning,  Three hundred  Sixty-five times; Each year Lived; As night fades,  Black sky  Softens To pale gray, Until brilliant  Lasers  Shoot through The horizon, Like petals opening On a new flower, A glowing red disk Rises, between  Earth and heaven,  Spreads light  As far as   Morning eyes,  Can see; The new day dawns Like a curtain drawn Reveals stage And setting For  The evolving Parade of life; At the Firefly  Coffee House, Enter stage left, A proud new mother, Places her three month Child on her lap,