Today .... Pray!


        Launching astronauts into space gave us a view of earth none of us had ever seen before. An incredible picture of our self sustaining home, our living breathing space ship, a blue-green organic jewel hanging in the black of space, illuminated by our sun. Somewhere on the picture each of us resides living out our lives. Now in my senior years, the following poem provides a perspective on our human journey.


Earth wobbles



Hours a day, 


Three hundred 

Sixty-five times;

Each year


As night fades,

 Black sky


To pale gray,

Until brilliant


Shoot through

The horizon,

Like petals opening

On a new flower,

A glowing red disk

Rises, between 

Earth and heaven, 

Spreads light 

As far as 

 Morning eyes, 

Can see;

The new day dawns

Like a curtain drawn

Reveals stage

And setting


The evolving

Parade of life;

At the Firefly

 Coffee House,

Enter stage left,

A proud new mother,

Places her three month

Child on her lap,

Dark eyes


In the bright glare,

Trying to focus

On three 



Reminds, we

Of lost youth,

The forgetful,

All receive nourishment,

Without light, in the

Womb of our mother,

Sea creatures

Afloat in amniotic fluid,

As cells divide


Into limbs


Head and brain,

Until fully formed

Each new child

Leaves the creative

Dark to seek

Their first dawn; 


The miracle

Of biological intent,

To create 

The gift 


Conscious being;

At the remains of the day

The yellow orb reverts

To a glorious red


Beneath earth’s

Curvaceous body, 

As if pulling  

Light rays back

As a flower

Closes petals

For the night; 

While a last glow lingers,

Evening descends,

All grows hushed,


For full night


The all 

Creating darkness

To come; 

We, that claim

Being human,

Tend to

Lapse into

Ho-hum habit, 

Fail to

Bask in,  

The warmth 

Of this



Thus old age,

Time to reflect

On the good,

As those

On three legs,

Walkers and wheelchairs,

Slowly make our way 

To exit stage right;

Let us carry

The Good news forward

To share, 

Live today


Each day:

As a new beginning

And a new ending;


We live on a Goldilocks planet where everything is just right for evolving and increasing conscious being.

My friends let us enjoy this ride together as long as we may.

        Thank You for joining me!

 Credits: The picture of earth courtesy of NASA. Pictures of sunrise & sunset by Terri Belz of Sugar River Farm.

Anthony G. Hendricks, author, poet, nature lover -- naturally;  Buddha Blues, recently published with a great cover created by his Sister Judith; available at Amazon as print on demand or as an e book at Amazon or Kobo. With formatting help on cover and interior by Woven Red. Other books The Wasteland Revisited, a book length poem about the dystopia causing global warming; available as an e book at Amazon; A Journey In The Human Dilemma, collected poetry and prose; trade paper back


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