Fall's Quiet - A Natural Meditation


At Camus's Bench!

Sitting in Fall's quiet,
Sun above trees,
 Yellow leaves;

             The start of October, with my Achilles heal on the mend I start taking longer walks at the conservancy.  The narrow path through the prairie passes a variety of asters, beautiful late blooms. Blues and whites, the name Aster from the Greek meaning "Star". Seed heads of grasses grown heavy in ripening wave back and forth in a light breeze. I run my hand over a stem. Glean a hand full of seeds. Release them to the wind. Everything is as it should be.

            I enter the pines find pine sap oozing from scars where limbs had been in the tree's youth. Deep shade and quiet permeate everything including my being.  I walk among friends who say everything by just growing into the light. At the bottom of the trail the bench with the Camus quote. I sit down observe  sunlight filtering through the canopy of trees. A breeze shakes loose wild cherries hanging over the Capitol City Trail. They patter against pavement stained with those fallen before. A bicyclist passes. Waves.  Sitting with, feeling nature's deep quiet, I write a small poem. Then take a picture of the hickory with yellow leaves.
        A poem I wrote on an early morning walk long ago titled "Finding Light" ended: "Returning, dry leaves/ rustle together, / while cobwebs dance light lines/ and fall's blue asters/wake/ to receive the painters brush."  

            I call my seat the Camus bench because of the great quote: "In the midst of winter I suddenly discovered there was in me an invincible summer."  Recognition of the great divine energy that lives in all things.  I appreciate the loving family of Elaine and Jim Guderyon who honored their parents 50 remarkable years of marriage by providing a place for many to linger a while in serenity. The Camus quote must have an intimate history in their family. 
            Change the only constant, near the spring, a fallen white oak over a hundred years old now supports fungi in death. We all walk this planet for our allotted years. Let us go walking in the light and praising the beauty my friends. Ps: Below is a video titled "Fall's Quiet" that will let you join me in spirit with nature's beauty. 


Anthony G. Hendricks, author, poet, nature lover -- naturally;  Buddha Blues, recently published with a great cover created by his Sister Judith; available at Amazon as print on demand or as an e book at Amazon or Kobo. With formatting help on cover and interior by Woven Red. Other books The Wasteland Revisited, a book length poem about the dystopia causing global warming; available as an e book at Amazon; A Journey In The Human Dilemma, collected poetry and prose; trade paper back


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