Adieu, Adieu, Dead Dead Shrew Calendar


Adieu, Adieu, Dead Shrew Calendar, for you have fulfilled your allotted duty. Faithfully recording each month and day in 2023.

Forsooth, pray thee why hast thou been ignored by most. Forsooth I say, what hath the Sports Illustrated Calendar have over thee. Naught! I say naught. It could not hold a candle to thee. What pray tell doth scanty pieces of cloth, that barely cover any fleshy part have over your warm rich fur covering all but tail and nose. Tis but an aberration of culture for there's truly nothing can compare to thee, Dead Shrew Calendar.

Miss January, started that year off by posing, her buxom short tailed shrew self, with black coat that served her well until meeting a toothy demise. Now we bid you farewell, knowing your likes may never grace a calendar again.

Then we wrap up 2023 with Miss December, a long tailed, short bodied beauty, with silver gray coat, and pink snooze pointing us toward the year to come. Adieu, Adieu, your likes may never grace a calendar again for 2024 is set to begin and as we noticed when taking your picture you weren’t even moving then.

As a friend so jauntily exclaimed one day after six cups of caffeine laced coffee; “We must live each day as long as we may, for once dead, care will no longer care to care at all, one way or the other.” 

Adieu, adieu, I say to 2023, the trials, tribulations, nit picking idiocy of normal dysfunction that abound as if nature cares not for the folly of man or beast. She shakes out her dress, all that lives eventually falls alongside the dead shrews. For each has their birth and each has their death, which goes together like a horse and carriage. 

Thank you my friends, who have walked with me as I have walked with you hand in hand through the mystery called life this past year. This is your life. This is my life. May we see the start and end of 2024. But alas without a Dead Shrew Calendar for all things come to pass. Even Dead Shrew Calendars!  

Adieu, Adieu, we bid all you Dead Shrews Adieu! 

(Only to be shared with friends who appreciate weird, wacky humor.)

(The pictures of dead shrews I took while walking on my daily rounds in September of 2022.  I shared said pictures with a friend who then created a calendar for 2023 even making a stand for the calendar. I will not mention this friend's name in case he wishes to remain anonymous. Thanks Steve! )


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