Donkey Cheers The Packers On! (Humor)

Donkey Cheers The Packers On!

            Dear Reader this will introduce Donkey at a momentous time. The Packer's just beat the Cowboys this past Sunday in a playoff game, next they face the formidable Forty Niners. Donkey has been a member of the family for many years.... future vlogs will provide more details. Donkey also has some issues that need to be addressed. Resentments, denial and the desire to recover a lost career will be the subject of future vlogs that feature Donkey. I recommend you click below then you can see and hear Donkey leading a cheer he made up for the Packer's upcoming game instead of reading the transcript which doesn't capture Donkey's charisma at all.  Ps: Know any Packer's Fans please share with them. It will get them pumped up for the game!

Script For Donkey's Video

(Who’s speaking a line; Me is Me. D is Donkey. Reader see if you can tell the difference.)

Me: “Donkey, where’d you get that Packer hat?”

D: “Hmm let me’s think on that for a nanosecond. Stuffed in the closet along with yours truly, The One, The Only Donkey.”

Me: “Donkey, you know the Packers won a playoff game. They beat Dallas. This Saturday they’re playing the Forty Niners.”

D. “Of course I knows-it, ain’t I got dem big ears to hear with, that's all you and the wife been talkin bout since they walloped them Cowboys. 

Me: “Nobody thought they had a chance. All the odds makers said the Pack didn’t have a chance. All the talking heads on Sports Television picked the Cowboys to win.”

D. “Well I knowed they had a chance. Fact be I predicted they’d win. So I prepared a cheer to get em ready for them Forty Niners that nobodies thinks they can beat neither.”

Me: “You know the Forty Niners are ranked as the second best team in the NFL.”

D: “Sure as rain is rain and thunder is thunder and lighting is lighting, I knows that. For I am The Donkey, what I don’t know you can put in a thimble. You hear me.”

Me: “Sure, sure, Donkey, I hear you. They got this quarterback though that’s Purdy good.”

D: “We’ll see how Purdy does with that Packers D-line, and Kenny Clark in his face.”

Me: “And they’ve got a great running back, tight end, and receivers. 

D: “Shoot boy, won’t do them no good, no sir, if they hardly on the field. Said all that same stuff over and over about them Plow Boys now look where they at. “

Me: “All right, All right, All right, here’s your stage share your cheer..”

D: “This ain’t no stage, it’s your bed, a stage is hard like wood. Look how I bounce up and down. Cain’t even hear my hooves.”

Me: “Donkey, you’re stuffed. Your hooves are soft….”

D: “Don’t be startin in on that stuffed stuff, I am The Donkey, Xtrodinare!”

Me: “All right, lets get on with it. Donkey do your stuff.”

D: (Donkey bounces up and down a few times.)  “Glow Pack Glow, Glow Pack…!”

Me: “Wait, wait, wait that's not right, it's Go Pack Go.” 

D: “That's what everbodee say, but I am The Donkey, I say “Glow Pack Glow, Shine your shoes, blow your nose, Glow Pack Glow, you got Show Time, carrying the rock thru them holes, Glow Pack, Glow Pack, Glow Pack Glow,  Cut to the right, Cut to the left, show them your beeeehind, Glow Pack Glow, yeah Glow Pack, Glow Pack, Glow Pack Glow.”

Me: “That’s it. That’s all;”

D: “It be fun, they got ta hang loose just like they be last week. Let your Light Shine Pack.”

Me: “You didn’t even mention Love.”

D: “What in d-donkey dung does Love got to do with it?”

Me: “Everything as the Packer’s starting quarterback, just having a great season for his first year.” 

D: “You got to be kidding me, his name’s Love….. Love what?”

Me: “ Love is his last name, Jordon Love, he’s all about Team!

D: “Love’s all bout team, Tackles, Ends and All the Rest Means….  Go Pack Go! Go Pack Go! Jordon Loves his TeamMates, Go Pack Go, Go Pack Go, Go Pack, Go Pack, Go, Go, Go!”

Me: “That’s better…. But…”

D: “I know, great isn’t it, cause I am The Donkey.” 

Me: “True, that’s all for now folks. Root them Packers on.” 

D: “Go Pack Go, Go Pack Go, Go Pack, Go Pack, Go, Go, Go.”

Me: “You just got to have the last word, don’t you.”

D: “Glow Pack Glow, Glow Pack Glow, Bright and shiny Green and Gold, Glow Pack, Glow Pack, Glow Pack Glow,  I be The Donkey Xtrodinare, havin my say cause it's about time I had my own show.” 

Me: (Just shake my head as Donkey stares me in the face with his hoof over my mouth.) 

The End

Anthony G. Hendricks, author, poet, nature lover -- naturally;  Buddha Blues, recently published with a great cover created by his Sister Judith; available at Amazon as print on demand or as an e book at Amazon or Kobo. With formatting help on cover and interior by Woven Red. Other books The Wasteland Revisited, a book length poem about the dystopia causing global warming; available as an e book at Amazon; A Journey In The Human Dilemma, collected poetry and prose; trade paper back


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