
Showing posts from February, 2024

Winter Wisdom!

  Reaching For The Divine In deep cold snow                     Somnolent winter wisdom   Rises in the soul,                          Reaching f or Divine light,                                    The ultimate letting go;  Life and Death need each other, provide each with meaning. Each defines the other. If there’s life, there must be death. If there’s death, there must be life. The Yin and Yang of existence. Life lives off of death. Death lives off of life. The cycle of our being on planet earth. The wheel goes round and round seemingly without end. To Let Go thoroughly, totally is the ultimate detachment. To Let Go thoroughly and totally opens the door to higher consciousness. Awareness of that which is beyond life and death. To Let Go thoroughly is the ultimate marriage. The joining with the Divine. Becoming one with that creative energy source. Our longing for this intimate connection does the work, but our earthly limitations too are important, exist for thi