Winter Wisdom!

 Reaching For The Divine

In deep cold snow
                 Somnolent winter wisdom 

 Rises in the soul,

                     Reaching for Divine light,

                             The ultimate letting go; 

Life and Death need each other, provide each with meaning. Each defines the other. If there’s life, there must be death. If there’s death, there must be life. The Yin and Yang of existence. Life lives off of death. Death lives off of life. The cycle of our being on planet earth. The wheel goes round and round seemingly without end.

To Let Go thoroughly, totally is the ultimate detachment. To Let Go thoroughly and totally opens the door to higher consciousness. Awareness of that which is beyond life and death. To Let Go thoroughly is the ultimate marriage. The joining with the Divine. Becoming one with that creative energy source. Our longing for this intimate connection does the work, but our earthly limitations too are important, exist for this very reason. 

Our limitation, our knowledge that we are born into life to die provides the impetus and the motivation to seek the awareness of and connection with the originating source. Seeing our limitations leads to our reaching spiritually for that which is greater. The desire to live with that deep original connection. To live from that deep original connection is the ultimate Letting Go. 

Transcendence, the practice to see the limits of our existence to reach beyond.  Transcendence, to rise to a higher conscious level. A conscious level aligned and in harmony with that power many call God.

My concept of God -- The-Power-That-Flows-Through-All-Things. 

What though, must be, Let Go? The attachment to this life and death struggle.  Thinking! Imagining this life to be an end all be all. To wear this life lightly as a gossamer sheath. For the end of each individual life is certain. Guaranteed! Yet that which animates this life does not die but returns to the source – for the ultimate is beyond being and nonbeing.

Being detached from this body, this life, does not mean to ignore or denigrate our body and our life, rather to see that this body and this life’s purpose is to become more and more mindful of the source of, the all and everything. For it is written that this body should be considered a sacred vessel. A temple created for worship. Even a sacrament. 

 Anthony G. Hendricks, author, poet, nature lover -- naturally;  Buddha Blues, recently published with a great cover created by his Sister Judith; available at Amazon as print on demand or as an e book at Amazon or Kobo. With formatting help on cover and interior by Woven Red. Other books The Wasteland Revisited, a book length poem about the dystopia causing global warming; available as an e book at Amazon; A Journey In The Human Dilemma, collected poetry and prose; trade paper back


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