
Showing posts from April, 2024

Ground Hog Whisperer & Spring Wildflowers -- Humor & Beauty

                                                          Groundhog Listening to Whispers         While moving slowly from Dutchman Breeches to Woods Anemone on a recent outing in search of spring beauty, suddenly this Groundhog popped up halfway out of its dug burrow. Not considered beautiful to we two legged beings, yet certainly robustly plump and attractive to another four pawed Groundhog this Whistle Pig posed for several still photos as I whispered softly urging her to come out fully and commune with me and the wildflowers on an eighty degree day. Ah, but she seemed reluctant to fully expose herself. Maybe heat made her reluctant to leave the burrow that had to be cooler. Maybe she had a litter of young! Soon she popped back down into the hole. Assuming I wouldn't see her again I moved closer. Suddenly she popped back up and I began whispering. " Come, come on, come on now, all the way out. I'm just a harmless two legged man who never ever thought of eating Groundhog