
Showing posts from December, 2020

New Year & Spirit Dance! (Music video)

    We all start out so small, a microscopic egg in our mother's womb. Time, nourishment and love allow us to grow up. I wrote Spirit Dance eighteen years ago as Darlene and I were driving back to Wisconsin for the birth of the first Grandchild.       Here he is on his eighteenth birthday with Donkey. Donkey is a story in our relationship. As a very young boy sometimes we would babysit him. Frequently we would watch Shrek together. Donkey being one of the main characters for an early birthday he received Donkey as a present. Things of course changed as he grew up. After a few years of growth he decided he was going to let Donkey go live somewhere else. For sale at their garage sale Darlene decided we'd adopt Donkey. Of course Donkey being an extrovert and Darlene and I being introverts Donkey doesn't get out much.... just at Birthdays. Donkey would complain if he could really talk... but such is the life of a stuffed toy... he can't... so I usually do it for him.... jus

Midwinter Dreams of You -- A song!

   Darlene & I send you seasons greetings and wish you and your family the best for the holidays and the New Year ready to start.     Seasons change. A few years ago in winter while snow fell on a cold day I wrote the song Midwinter Dreams of You! The longing for a more conscious connection with the power that flows through all things. The lyrics are below: click on Midwinter Dreams of You to hear my recording.  Midwinter Dreams of You! Snow falls softly down, Covers over frozen ground; Trees like statues stand Sentinels in icy wind; Midwinter dreams of you A longing hard to express Words always fail Can only suggest the tale; In a cavern deep in white gown  You never sleep, Tucked beneath your breast, The eternal flame You caress; There it pulses and glows  Throughout the dark abyss For all who would be blessed For all who would bless; Your warmth spreads through the night, Bringing dreamers to the light, Midwinter dreams of you A child quickening in the womb You're the only

Cloud Walking -- A Meditation with Video & Music!

    At Swan Pond for my evening walk, mesmerized by the sky I began taking a video when the phrase 'Cloud Walking' rose from the depths to manifest in consciousness.  Cloud Walking                                   Grounded on earth Eyes reach heavenward As setting sun Highlights ephemeral clouds Stretching over horizon's shores With orange, yellow, pink, red glows; Sight seeing ends Where instinct begins Transcending physical matter, To grow an illumination Beauty lovingly caresses Like golden tresses, Without any need  To fully comprehend!                                                                                (For Lee)     At Swan Pond I start by lifting my left foot, lean forward, shift weight through the center of gravity rock forward on the ball of my right foot, land the left to repeat the motion. Walking is  a directional balancing act.  We all first crawled on all fours before learning to balance on two legs and walk.      This body exists as  a vehicle....